
Hi👋 I’m Maddy,

I’m an Options Trader. I firmly believe that patience, discipline, and consistent compounding can generate enormous wealth. Options Trading with proper risk management is the most effective way to achieve this. With this newsletter, I will share my experience, insights & learnings with the community.

  • I will regularly share my trial account profit & loss statements here at https://optionsmaddy.github.io/.

  • Trial account capital: ₹ 3,00,000/-

  • I will be doing many different strategies & executions in this account.

  • I will be sharing my daily learning notes on options trading here.

  • I will also share my insights, experience, tips & tricks.

  • This newsletter aims to contribute my knowledge to the trading community.

Maddy 🙏

You can follow me on :

-👋 Contact me here

*Wishing you a lot of profits.* 💰🎉😊
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