2023-04-18 FinNifty Operator Manupulation Profit MTM 11.8K

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-04-18

Finnifty Operator Manupulation

  • At 13:10 pm Operator dumped Finnifty.
  • Finnifty fell 160pts.
  • I had some margin left so I put an intraday finnifty strangle.

  • I was in +₹ 800 profit / stangle before 13:10pm.
  • At 13:45pm I was -₹ 2400 loss / stangle.
  • I closed the CE first.
  • I placed a bull put spread 1 strike above.
  • Also ought hedge 2 strikes above.
  • In right opportunity I closed my 18800 PE & added 18750 PE.
  • The idea was to shift my unhedged position into 2x safer hedged position, so that even if market move either way I will be protected.
  • When market corrected fromm -₹2500 loss I exited at ₹78 profit.
  • I was able to manage my position despite market manipulation in the expiry.
  • This was mainy die to “*Low Position Sizing”.

Lesson Learned : Shift positions which could expire fruitless towards the market at right opportunity is key for expiry success - #🧔MADDY

― OptionsMaddy

Final Position

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