2023-05-09 -2500 Loss on Finnifty Market Manipulation Profit MTM +5000

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-05-09T13:30:50

Got Conned SL Hunting From +2500 Profit to -2500 Loss

  • Lost potential 20,000 due to maret manipulation.
  • Intraday call was right & iwas on profit for most part.
  • I was busy today. Never trade while you are busy.
  • Got conned royaly today by the market.
  • Then a huge candle came & wiped my position through SL.
  • I quit trading for today.

  • Lesson learned : Never put sl on intraday position, either be infront of position or close positions

― OptionsMaddy

Moreover Zerodha was showing wrong position made me further paranoid today. Closed all my positions at loss.

― OptionsMaddy
  • Insult to the wound was that if I didn’t had SL my positions would have given +8000 Profit instead of -2500 loss.
  • Bad day.
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