2023-06-01 Tricky Executions Expiry Profit Realized +7,727

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-06-01T15:39:10

Good Day Bad Executions

  • Held position for right opportunity.
  • Closed positions then market went down.
  • Potential 2K Profit went away.
  • But good Profit day.
  • At one point of time for this position I was ₹-9K loss.
  • Today same position exited on ₹+8195/- 😁
  • Good decision Yesterday


  • Surprisingly market gapped up.
  • But fortunately it went down.
  • Lot of people would have got wrecked if they held their positions.
  • For expiry today was calm till the end.
  • In the end there was unexpected down move.

Position before opening

Positions Closed

Days History

New Positions

  • Couldn’t time the executions well.
  • Also accumulated some Niftybees in another account.

Closing Index

Analysis for next week

  • I think it is the month beginning, so mutual funds SIPs starts coming this week. Market could go up.
  • I have to balance my sell position.
  • Partial hedge if possible.
  • Next week hedge completely & accumulate position.

Verified PnL

Sensiull verified PnL : https://verified.sensibull.com/ps/oldfashioned-lime/1B0wF06oE40bHZ

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