2023-06-08 Nifty Expiry Trend Reversal In The Afternoon MTM Profit +9405

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-06-08T15:08:23

Short covering would usually be very violent.

  • Should watch Gap Filling.
  • Always expect for the extreme moves in expiries.

Positions 🙂

  • Good Day +₹9,405 Profit.
  • 1K Intraday Profit.
  • Got some BTST profit on market fall.
  • Position is strong 💪🏼.
  • Best case scenario - Market should go up slowly.
  • Worst case scenario - Maret fall drastically.
  • Added positions.
  • Fridays are usually ruthless.
  • Hope big downside moves don’t kill my position.

Days History ☹️

  • Didn’t time the market well.
  • Had exorbitant euphoria, everyone was talking market will go up.
  • When short covering happened post RBI event, it was violent.
  • I exploited the opportunity but timed it wrong.
  • Market fell more than I thought.

Pay Off Diagram

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