2023-06-14 Closed Positions Profit Realized +16,497

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-06-14T15:31:09

Good Positional Selling, Bad Intraday Buying

  • Biweekly Double diagonal position closed.
  • Profit Realized : +18,172
  • Holding Hedges.


Intraday Loss -3,097

  • Learning day in Option Buying.
  • Got +850 Fin-Nifty profit in the morning.
  • Lost -3,097 in Nifty PE position.
  • Nifty was super bullish.
  • Bank Nifty, Fin-Nifty was Bearish.
  • Expected market to go down in the evening.
  • Didn’t put SL. Expected evening reversal. Costed big.
  • Recovered +1,000 in additional PE position.
  • But holding it still.
  • Overall lost -₹1,300. Not a good intraday trades.

Days History


  • Positional Profit Realized = +18,172
  • Holding monthly hedges.
  • Put an Iron Condor.

Current Position

  • 😨 First time holding short buy position for tomorrows expiry.
  • Gap down will give some profit.
  • Gap up will make another lose making it another loss making option buying endeavor.
  • Hope the decay will be gently.
  • 🤞🏼All these for covering todays loss. Hope I don’t end up doubling my loss.

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