2023-06-16 Very Stressful Intraday MTM Loss -837

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-06-16T15:27:16

Stressful Day. Trapped. Intraday Loss 1.1K

  • -837 Loss. Very Stressful Intraday. Trapped. Multiple Contra positions went wrong.
  • Was holding a lossmaking position entire day.
  • Somehow escaped it with just -₹200 Loss.
  • Then took another short position only 1 Lot.
  • It gave -₹800 Loss.
  • No big loss but very stressful, unproductive day. 😖


Days history

  • Sold one naked position in profit.
  • Thought it was very high to buy the loss making position, hence bought hedge for the naked position.

― OptionsMaddy, Today's Trade
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