2023-06-19 Started as a nightmare ended as a relief Profit +1.7K

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-06-19T14:39:43

Nightmare Intraday

  • I took an intraday BN. Made all the wrong judgements. I bought or 201.

  • SL was at 170.
  • Market were going sideways with occasional large candles for sl hunting.
  • I switched off all SL to prevent SL hunting.
  • Turned out to be an absolute nightmare. It went to 93. 🤯
  • At one time I was -₹5500 Loss intraday or just 2 lots.
  • Then I took double the position same side few strikes back.
  • But the fall was too brutal. I was taking additional 2k loss it that -7.5K loss for 150qts within a few hours.
  • I closed positional condor as well in the wrong time & took straddle it was month end OTM so it didn’t matter.

Lesson : Use Limit orders to escape

  • I got a chance to escape, I had put a limit order at 160. I changed it as market surged then plummeted down to 100.
  • When there is massive surge that could be the DII buying. It could be followed by the FII selling. This comes usually in the afternoon after 1:00pm or by 3:00pm.

The Escape

  • I took double the quantity of the deeper option.
  • It also dumped & now I was in -6500 loss.
  • Time was around 2:30pm.
  • I don’t want to carry my buying position but I would be forced to if I didn’t get to close my position.
  • I didn’t want to realize loss as it was a result of a dump, but I was also not too hopeful either.
  • I put realistic limit order or both the 50qts far OTM BN Intraday & 100qts near OTM BN NRML.
  • Thankfully within 10 mins both limit orders hit & I closed my positions at +₹1K Profit.🙂
  • 😝 Then it went up to give me a stomach burn that I would have made extra +5K Profit if I held for few more minutes.🤑
  • Anyway a relief end.
  • I am bullish I am sure that the markets would rally but I have decided not to take risk after todays circus. I don’t have any regret if it would have given me +10K intraday profit if I had held. I am thankful that I got to exit without loss.

Positional Trade

  • Closed my Iron condor position at 1K Profit ( Realized Yesterday ).
  • Took a new straddle position as I think markets could rally.

OptionsMaddy, Today's Trade


Days History

  • No hedges in the positional straddle.
  • Tomorrow plan is to take full hedge & take double position with the margin benefit.

OptionsMaddy, Today's Trade
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