2023-06-21 Excellent Intraday Captured 25pts MTM Profit 8,263

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-06-21T15:34:15

Only One Intraday Trade Captured 25pts

  • Had strong bullish bias from the beginning.
  • Also expected volatility.
  • Put a low limit buy order & averaged even further keeping a little bit lower with CPR indicator.
  • Position was mostly in profit throughout the day.
  • Didn’t modified the “Take Profit” limit order.
  • It further rallied 10pts more.
  • But nonetheless effortless +3,587 in just 3 lots & few hours.
  • Good Day 🙂.


Day’s History

Tomorrow’s Ratio

  • Tomorrow big gap down will be fatal.
  • Big gap down also give small loss, but I am not afraid of gap down.
  • Gap up can be very frustrating.

― OptionsMaddy, Today's Trade
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