9 Rules of Options - Sourabh Gandhi

9 Rules of Options

  1. Timing the entry of Options
    • Buy on First half of the month ( Price drastically goes low on second half ).
      • Monthly Expiry : Apply Buying strategy on 1-15th of Month.
      • Weekly Expiry : Apply Buying strategy on Thursday (Next Expiry), Friday & Monday.
    • Seller Sell on Second half of the month. ( Time decay fast, hence price goes down ).
      • Monthly Expiry : Apply Buying strategy on 15th-31th of Month.
      • Weekly Expiry : Apply Buying strategy on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday ( Same day Expiry)
      • Buy as early as possible. 9:30 am.
  2. Type of the Options
    • While BUYING Prefer AT THE MONEY or Near Strike ATM not IN THE MONEY.
    • While SELLING Prefer OUT OF THE MONEY or Near Strike OTM ( Not far OTM )
  3. Setting Target & Stoploss
    • For stock options, Stoploss should not be more than 30% of Premium.
    • For stock options, should be 50% to 100% of Premium.
  4. Averaging
    • If sure one can average if goes down.
    • While buying, Averaging should be done with the then ATM not old strike price. note : When European market opens @ 11 O Clock usually market could be range bound or consolidate.
  5. Lock your profits.
  6. Minimum Investment ( don’t over invest)
  7. Options in high volatility.
    • While buying Minimum time between entry & Exit. ( same day or 1 day)
    • Hedge. Buy ATM both call & put.
  8. Choose underlying stock options.
    • High volume, Liquid.
    • Bid - Ask => Low. ( low spread )
  9. Expiry day rule ( Only for stock options)
    • Last 3 days, especially on expiry day, use “OPEN HIGH LOW SCANNER”.
    • Open = High , you have to sell, buy put ATM, NearTM.
    • Open = Low, you have to buy, buy call ATM, NTM.

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