Bandi Shreyas Options Intraday F2F

Bandi Shreyas Options Intraday

  • Only Intraday Option Seller
    • Advantage, Peaceful sleep at night.
    • Looking forward to volatility as it gives more edge.
    • Daily fresh outlook.
  • Take high win probability trade in intraday.
  • Delta : Rough probability the particular strike is At the money at the time of expiry.
  • Edge comes from Risk to Reward Ratio. Selling don’t have edge. Selling just have more probability of winning.
  • When you win you will big. When you lose lose less.
  • 3 Things analyse
    • Chart
    • OI
    • Price

Chart Analysis

  1. Go to Chart (ZERODHA)
    1. Past 10 Days, Closer date more important. ( Check panic lows also )
    2. Mark 4 Ranges ( Support & Resistance )
    3. Sell Above or Below the middle two lines. ( Because higher delta closer ATM )
  2. Check OI
    • Check Intraday OI ( OI vs Strike ) - Put OI Strong then people thing down side is limited.
    • Check Historical OI - Find point of maximum congestion
      • point where there is Maximum PUT & CALL OI.
      • market has tendency to move towards this.
      • Check for the bar size. Who is first @ risk ?
  3. Pricing of Risk
    • Add PE & CE price of the chosen strike price. eg: 17,000 strike & ₹250 sum of CE & PE.
    • Add & Subtract ₹250 from 17,000. 16750-17250. This is range @ which it is trading.
    • Current price should be below “Avg Price” to Short (Sell).
  • Make sure what you are selling is at least 1 Strike away from the range. ie Minimum 16700-17300.
  • Aim to be in a position that today itself make money.
  • Best time of the entry is Morning, after three 5 minutes candle. (15 Minutes)
  • Check ( Ideal if the same price for both CE & PE, points may be away differently )
  • Strangle is a bullish to sideway strategy. So equidistant make money if market goes up.
  • People are afraid on put side.
  • I don’t trade on Monday. Because…
    • Monday don’t get much decay.
    • US markets have not opened yet.
    • Monday keep small target.
  • If the call didn’t work. Take the loss & Close that call and follow the price, shortening the width towards put.
  • Roll Down.
  • Keep premium equal ( almost).
  • Since not close to expiry keep more distance..
  • Bring the winning leg closer.
  • Push the losing leg farther.
  • In current IV,
    • On Thursday closing next expiry, or Friday Opening ATM CE+PE = 270 to 280.
    • On Monday : 250-260
    • on Tuesday : 200-220
    • on Wednesday : 170-180
    • on Thursday closing: 140-100
  • If it doesn’t make money, Run away.
  • Strict Stop loss.
  • Wednesday & Thursday make good amount of money, as it is going to zero people sell off.
  • Shreyas Buys Stocks & sell CE options.

  • Shreyas says he is always in control of his investments.
  • Takes only as much loss as intended.
  • Never hold overnight positions without hedge.

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📅 Sunday, April 24, 2022 (01:17 PM) - Created

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