Bandi Shreyas Traders Carnival

  • By #🧔Bandi-Shreyas
  • Money management ( Risk Management ) is the only thing.
    • How much profit am I ready to give up to reduce risk ?
    • How much loss am I ready to take for making profit?
  • It is Risk-Reward not anything else.
  • “Profitable trading” is different from “Good trading”.
  • In every trade, there is someone who took the exact opposite trade.
    • You think they are idiot, they think you are idiot.
  • Fallacy : some think that an event that never happened won’t happen.
  • What Shreyas does is an iron condor with margin benefit instead of hedge everyday.
  • Beforehand, decides how much points are going to get.
  • Adjustments are just bad trades.
  • Not here to make more profit than anticipated.
  • Risk never changes.

How do I trade

  • No indicators I use.
  • Past week swing highs & swing lows. (due to people psychology)
  • Can trend line can be drawn ? Are we making lower lows ? Or higher highs ?
  • Round figures are psychological figures.
  • 5m chart past weekly also day chart.
  • Sell above & below swing highs & swing lows.
  • PRICING very important.
  • demand supply & urgency gives movement.
  • pricing of strikes is important.
  • I also look at OI.

  • see Intraday vs Strike chart buffer.
  • see overall buffer.
  • sentiment can be interpreted. ( PCR ratio )


  • Total number of puts + calls are highest.
  • The market tends to move towards the point of maximum congestion.
  • Futures OI important

  • Speculation vs profit booking can be known through futures OI.

  • Add max oi on CE & PE & add it.
  • Here, 18200 CE & 18000 PE gives 200 points. This is how much risk is priced into the time.
  • WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY are where we could capture maximum.
  • FRIDAYS less decay.
  • Monday & Tuesdays are fewer positions.
  • MOST IMPORTANT is to know how much profit & loss
  • Sometimes we feel regret after stop loss but learn to feel good about it.
  • It will help you not to go bankrupt.
  • Thing don’t go your way, runaway.

Imbalance between Put & Call Premiums

  • On expiry day #🧔Bandi-Shreyas allows only maximum 2:1 premium imbalance.

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