Made Money in the Morning, Gave it away in the evening MTM Profit +3,590

🧔MADDY's 💸P&L Statement for 2023-06-15T09:32:17

Breakeven Day. Gave the market 2K again intraday trade went wrong

Carried Position Gone Right

Lesson : Always put reliable targets for intraday

  • If you refer Yesterday .
  • Yesterday I bought 200qts - 18750 PE for ₹36.10, today I sold it for ₹45.45.
  • I had put order to trigger at 49. But when I checked CPR, CPR was on ₹45.60.
  • Hence, I shifted my buy target to ₹45.45 which resulted in a near perfect execution.🙂
  • Immediately after executing order it slumped towards ₹23.
  • A potential 4.5K Loss was evaded.

  • Intraday Profit should be realized ASAP.
  • This especially applies to overnight buy positions.

― OptionsMaddy, Today's Trade


Again same mistakes

  • Unnecessary buy on the evening after 2.
  • Cost Loss of -2K.
  • A good day turned average day.

Days History 🥲

Note to Self
  • PUT SL.
  • Only do trending intraday.

― OptionsMaddy, Today's Trade

Pay Off Diagram 🙂

  • Double Diagonal turned to Iron Condor using the same hedges.

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