Options Basics - PR Sundar

Options Basics - PR Sundar

  • If Nifty is trading at 12500, Some Believe it will go up, they ==buy== CALL OPTION, They make money if the market go up.
  • Some believe it will go down they will ==sell== CALL OPTION.
  • Betting works 50-50, Option market is NOT 50-50.
    • eg: In Options,
      • BET : Call = V Kohli will hit 100,
      • Buyer = Yes
      • Seller = No
      • Bet amount = ₹ 10/-
      • Buyer Buys Call Option i.e. gives ₹10 to Seller
      • Scenario 01 : Score < 100
        • Seller keeps the ₹ 10.
      • Scenario 02 : Score > 100 eg : 134
        • Seller gives ₹ 34 to buyer.
  • Risk/Reward different.
  • Buyer max loss = ₹ 10/-
  • Seller max loss = Infinite
    1. Strike Price : 100 Runs
    2. Premium : ₹ 10
    3. Expiry : Time

==Expiry usually, LAST THURSDAY EVERY MONTH.==

In CALL Option

  • Seller claims it stay under the amount, hence sell call option. ( Gets Money initially from the buyer & Pays the amount increased. ) ( Under 🩲)
  • Buyer feels go beyond amount, hence buy call option. ( Pay Money ) ( technically, price could go to infinity ♾️)

In PUT Option

  • Seller claims nifty stays above the strike price, hence sell put option. ( Gets Money initially & Pays the amount increased. ) ( Over 🧥 )
  • Buyer feels go beneath amount, hence buy put option ( Pay Money ) ( trivia : Buffet said he will buy a PUT on bitcoin) ( technically, price could come to zero 0️⃣ )

  • Don’t start option selling if you have less than 25 Lakhs.
  • 10-15 Lakhs also sufficient, for good traders.
  • PR Sundars classes are expensive.
  • For people with 1 to 3 Lakh : Ironed Collar Options Strategy can be used.
  • 🔎Search “Collar Option Strategy”.
  • [[Put vs Call]]

Successful people don’t do different things, they do things differently.

*🏷️Tags : #Investments💷/Options-Trading🎛️ #🧔PRSundar *📚Reference : PR Sundar Option Basics Playlist 3 Videos

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