Put vs Call

Advantages of Option Buyers

by #🧔PRSundar

NoOption SellerOption Buyers
Buyer Advantage 01Huge margin money.Pay little premium money.
Buyer Advantage 02Unlimited RiskLimited Risk
Buyer Advantage 03Limited RewardUnlimited Reward


  • In Singapore, Nifty is traded. SJX Index.
  • No a single option is traded in Singapore. ( FIIs, No buyers, everyone is a seller.)
  • In Singapore everyone is a seller.
  • In India 90%, sold are options.
NoOption SellerOption Buyers
Seller Advantage 01Need not pay anything as CASH, if they have collateral.Has to pay money as CASH.
Seller Advantage 02All additional money made is profitHas to pay upfront
Seller Advantage 03Losing everything is only probability.Losing many times one can go bankrupt.
Seller Advantage 0480% probability of wining, only lose if market goes violently high.Only 20% Probability to win. Only when market move violently higher.
Seller Advantage 05Since profit is limited, greed does not comes to play. either limited profit or stop loss will get hit.Buyers has difficulty in booking profit as don’t know when to end.
Seller Advantage 06Either have lot of Money or extraordinary Skill. No other way to make large money.Limited Risk, Unlimited profit is improbable. eg: Lottery Ticket 🎟️
  • On expiry day, its extremely volatile.
  • Probability of Profit⬆️ -> Risk Involved⬆️
  • Probability of Profit⬇️ -> Risk Involved⬇️
  • Either money or skill can make more money.
  • Probability of option seller winning high.

🏷️Tags : #Investments💷/Options-Trading🎛️

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